Karimunjawa Final

The second day of snorkeling took us to Gosong and Cekil. They were both amazing. See the photos below for proof! On the way back, we got caught in a cloud burst right as we approached the docks. We did get wet, but we didn’t mind. The little cloud burst let up for a bit but then turned into a full on storm for the whole night.

After a couple days of snorkeling, we had a relaxing Sunday morning. We got up and spent a little time packing and hanging around. At about 11 we went to our little eating spot, Amore Cafe and Resto. The folks there were super friendly as always. The lady who seemed to be in charge was kind enough to inform us that the ferry was intending to leave an hour early. This put a little cramp in our plans.

The end result wasn’t so bad though. We had about 30 minutes of stress and frantic packing just before catching a car ride to the ferry dock. We boarded with about ten minutes to spare though.

The trip back through the Java Sea was calm and beautiful as before. There were some impressive storms to the east and west of us, but we just plowed right through to Semarang without a problem.

We got back to our home in Salatiga, after a stop for dinner at McDonalds, and pretty well crashed. We were all tired out.

Zoe’s reaction to coming home was priceless. As soon as we put her in her crib she looked around and got all wiggly and smiley. She was so happy! Oh dear, we have a homebody for a daughter. Poor thing is gonna spend her life traveling and she likes being home.

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